Other Institutions


A mentally challenged child is considered more of burden in many households. Their only problem is that they do not have the smartness to survive in the competitive world. They do not compete in schools, in jobs or other careers. They are alive ,vibrant human being who can laugh ,cry and express their emotions .Many of these children do not get adequate attention to their problem from the family because of the ignorance of the Parents and the society.

As there are not many role model schools to meet the education needs such children. The Baith Shariqa Al Khairi Trust (BSKT) has been plan to start a school to give them specialized education and comprehensive life skills. The children enviably show remarkable improvement in all aspects once they attend the school.


  • Mentally challenged children, age between 7 to 15, from all communities.

Mode of admission

  • By the advice and counseling of an expert psychologist/Doctor.

Expected Admission

  • Total 25 children, both girls and boys.


Mount Seena Sneha Sadan established in 2007-08 is fulfillment of one of the aims and objectives of the BSKT. It is recognized by the Social Welfare Department of the Government of Kerala as 1414/2008. Children who have become orphans due to the demise of their near ones are given homely care and concern. Their institution has been named a general one (abode of love and affection) in order to not haunt them always the state of orphan. The hundred inmates (40 boys and 60 girls) are provided with free boarding and education without any discrimination of dress and diet from other paid hostellers. It is run with the support and sponsorship extended by generous philanthropists. Bright students are supported to pursue higher studies.


Affiliated to Majlisu Tha'leem-al-isalami,Kerala

To inculcate the Islamic values and teachings in the minds of the younger generation, it is a must that they should be familiarized with these from their early age itself. The Madrassa system prevalent in Kerala is the backbone for the Islamic awareness visible among Keralite. With specific books prescribed by Majlisu Tha’leem-al-Islami and special session, the Muslim students of Mount Seena School avail the benefits of the madrassa system. Students from 1st to 9th standards are enrolled in the madrassa. Half yearly and annual examinations are conducted for them and certificates issued. There 30 qualified teachers to oversee the Madrassa education for more than a 1000 students.